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F.A.S.T. Fence Alignment System Tool

Original price was: $59.95.Current price is: $29.98.

(In Stock)

Aligning a long fence parallel to a narrow blade is an imprecise operation. This tool is a set of 6\” magnetic blocks that each register on the blade body (there is a machined gullet for the teeth). This lets you set your fence parallel to the block – a much easier task. Additionally, the blocks can be used singly or in combination to set an accurate fence spacing from the blade body.


The set includes 1/8\”, 3/16\”, 1/4\”, 3/8\” and 1/2\” blocks, and makes setting blade spacing a snap. The blocks can also be used for precise setting/spacing on a router table. The foam storage block is adhesive backed for mounting in a drawer or on a wall. The magnetic bars can even be attached directly to your saw.


Highly useful. 



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